TRAVEL Discounts
Quilts, Inc. has negotiated special discounts for attendees to our shows with the following providers.
Contact United’s MeetingWorks™ Desk at 1-800-426-1122 from 7 am-9 pm, Mon.-Fri., and 7 am-7 pm, Sat. & Sun. (CT). You must mention discount code ZQYY857950.
Or book online at United.com and enter ZQYY857950 under “Offer Code.”
Delta Air Lines is pleased to offer special discounts for Quilts, Inc.
Please click the icon above to go directly to online booking with discount.
You may also call Conferences and Events® at 1.800.328.1111* Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–6:30 p.m. (EST) and refer to Meeting Event Code NM4KG.
*Please note there is no service fee for reservations booked and ticketed via our reservation 800 number.
car rental
Call 1-800-654-2240 in the U.S./Canada or 1-405-749-4434 elsewhere. You must mention the show and refer to CV#02TQ0021. Book online at Hertz.com and type that code in the box for convention number.
For a discount of 10% in participating cities, reserve online at SuperShuttle.com and input the discount code QUILT. You can also call 1-800-BLUE-VAN, but the discount will not apply.