show rules
Due to safety and security concerns, Festival attendees are not allowed to bring rolling totes, luggage, carries, or suitcases on the show floor. If you have a legitimate medical need for one of these items, please secure a doctor’s note and email shows@quilts.com for details on how to get a special pass. Thank you!
We do not page for lost parties. Please arrange ahead of time to meet at a specific time or place if you are separated during the show.
Do not touch the quilts or textile art on display.
No food or drink is allowed in the exhibit hall outside the food service area. Clear containers of drinking water with a secure top are allowed.
For their safety, children must be attended by an adult at all times.
Lost & Found will be at the Business Services Desk in the concourse lobby. Lost and Found for classrooms will be in the Education Office.
Firearms, weapons, and explosive devices are absolutely prohibited in any area of the convention center under the direction of Quilts, Inc. This includes (but is not limited to) the show floor, exhibit hall, classrooms, meeting rooms, and food areas. Show management reserves the right to ask anyone with these items to remove them or leave the premises.
- Only service animals are allowed to accompany people with disabilities at the show.
- Photos taken at Festival are not to be used for any commercial purpose or posted on any website which permits images to be used on items such as T-shirts, mugs, note cards, etc. If you post pictures to your account on a “photo-sharing” website, you must also disable any function that would allow ordering the images on any goods.
- You must include an artist credit and note that the photos were taken at International Quilt Festival. Help us to protect the rights of quiltmakers.
- Some exhibits prohibit any photography. Please refer to signage by the exhibit or the floor plan in the center of this magazine.
- Do not photograph an exhibitor’s booth without their permission, since items may be proprietary.
Classroom Rules
- Please turn the sound off on all phones when classes and lectures begin.
- Please be on time and bring all the necessary items required on the materials list.
- Do not take photographs without consent of the instructor.
- All designs, handouts, and instructions are copyrighted and owned by the instructor. Individual instructors have varying policies as to how these items may be used after a workshop. Please check with your instructor before sharing the workshop in any format with others.