HOUSTON – January 25, 2022 – Consumer and trade show producer Quilts, Inc. today announced a schedule of three editions of International Quilt Festival slated for this summer. One previously announced and two new entries to mark on your calendar!

The already-announced Quilt Festival Long Beach will take place in the city by the sea from August 4-6 at the Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center.
It’s a return to the venue after an absence of several years, and the destination has long been a favorite of Festivalgoers. “We’re excited to go back to Long Beach. The venue had undergone renovations and modernization since we were there last, and we know there is a thriving and progressive quilting and arts community on the west coast,” says Quilts, Inc. President/CEO Karey Bresenhan. Faculty/class selection for this show has been finalized.

New on the schedule will be the just-announced Quilt Festival Salt Lake City from July 21-23 at the Salt Palace Convention Center. This will mark Festival’s debut in “the Crossroads of the West.”
Both of these in-person shows will feature Festival’s usual all-under-one-roof lineup of exhibitors offering everything from finished quilts to fabrics, patterns, tools, machines, and more, and hundreds of quilts on display and a full slate of classes across a spectrum of styles and techniques.
And both Festivals will also feature quilt exhibits exclusive to that show, some with strong local interest and topics. Calls for entry—with more being added—can be seen HERE.
COVID POLICY NOTE: As of now, face masks or shields will be required for all Festival attendees, exhibitors, faculty, and staff while on the show floor or in the classrooms. This requirement could change closer to show dates. We will also follow state and local health laws. As of now, the city of Long Beach will also require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test for entry into Festival.

And finally, there will be a Virtual Quilt Festival from June 16-18! This second, education-only edition of VQF will offer classes and lectures from top teachers around the world. All sessions will be recorded, and available for viewing for a month after the show.
All shows are currently being planned, and information will roll out over the next few months. Sign up to receive Quilt Festival email news and notifications HERE. Official information will also be available on the Quilts.com website.