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Quilts, Inc. Announces Garri Kaye as New Piece Corps, Show Assistant, & Volunteer Coordinator!
HOUSTON—March 26, 2025—Producing each edition of International Quilt Festival & International Quilt Market requires not only a dedicated full-time staff, but scores and scores of both paid and volunteer workers.

Overseeing and scheduling these workers is the task of the Piece Corps, Show Assistant, and Volunteer Coordinator. Today, Quilts, Inc. announces that Garri Kaye has been named to the position. She brings with her nearly a decade of experience in multiple roles for the shows, and is replacing the retiring Terri Winsauer.
“I am so excited to have Garri Kaye take over,” Winsauer notes. “She is the perfect person for this position—and she’s a quilter herself!”
“Volunteers and workers are the heart of quilt shows. We are passionate about the history, creation, and care of quilts. We bring a wide range of invaluable experience and skill to the show,” Garri herself says.
“We ensure the efficient execution of displaying the quilts, so the visitors feel like they are inside an art gallery. Most volunteers are quilters, so they know the best tools, supplies, and useful tips for quilting to share with our tens of thousands of attendees from all over the world.”
Garri was introduced to both quilting and the International Quilt Festival by an aunt, and says it “opened up a whole new world for her.” She also notes her excitement about working for a woman-owned company in the fiber arts industry.
She has previously served as a Quilt Angel (the white-glovers who handle quilts on display for attendees wanting to see the back or have a closer look), and Show Assistant. She has been a member of the Piece Corps, the expertly-trained group which receives, unpacks, hangs, takes down, repacks, and reships the more than 1,200 quilts on display at fall Quilt Market and Quilt Festival.
In her new position, she hopes to expose more people—and especially non-quilters—to the art form and hobby.
“I hope to introduce more of my peers to the Festival, especially a younger generation. In addition, I hope to help educate them in the handling and care of quilts through hands-on experience,” she says. “After all, many of us will inherit quilts and fabric stashes from our elders one day. I am also excited to use my insight to improve the experience of the both volunteers and workers at our shows.”
To inquire about working or volunteering at International Quilt Market (Oct. 4-6) or International Quilt Festival (Oct. 9-12 with Preview Night on Oct. 8) email worktheshow@quilts.com